OUR Amidst the daily challenges of life, relationship complications and work pressure, emotional intelligence is one thing that helps us move in the right direction.

Besides technical knowledge and skills, the ability to understand and control emotions is also important in life. If we have not learned this, there may be a lack of balance and peace in life. This is why it is important to understand and improve emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence not only improves our personal relationships but also paves the way for professional success.

In such a situation, today we will know the relationships-

What is emotional intelligence? How important is it? What are the ways to improve emotional intelligence?

What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is the ability that gives us the power to understand emotions, use them correctly and control them in a positive way.

Thanks to this we can reduce stress and have better communication with others. Can also show sympathy and solve problems.

Emotional intelligence has a profound impact on our personal and professional lives. It helps us build strong relationships, achieve career success, and make important life decisions in the right way.

Do you also want to make positive changes in your life and achieve your goals? In such a situation, it is very important to understand and develop emotional intelligence.

How important is emotional intelligence?

You must have often heard that not only is knowledge necessary for success, but understanding and controlling emotions is also equally important.

Do you know someone who is very intelligent, but weak in social skills, not effective at work or in relationships? It is possible that these people are the best in their studies, but they find it difficult to face the real difficulties of life.

You must have seen that many people have read their syllabus several times before the exam and their preparation is also better. Despite this, due to exam stress, their results remain average.

At the same time, some students appear average in class, but their stress-free preparation before the exam helps them perform better.

In fact, IQ alone is not enough in life. You also need to know the art of understanding and controlling emotions. Emotional intelligence gives us the strength to survive in difficult situations.

In such a situation, whether it is exam stress, job pressure or ups and downs in relationships, to achieve success in life, it is very important to have better EQ (emotional intelligence) as well as a better IQ.

How to develop emotional intelligence

There are many methods we can adopt to improve emotional intelligence. In this, it is very important to understand your feelings as well as those of the other person. There should also be social awareness. Let’s understand them in detail.

Self Management – ​​Controlling stress and emotions is very important for any person. When you feel stressed, it has a profound impact on your thinking and decisions.

In such a situation, you can gradually learn emotional intelligence by controlling your emotions, remaining calm in negative situations and making the right decisions.

Self-Awareness – However, you must learn to recognize emotions before you can control them. We also need to understand how they influence thoughts and work.

When you understand yourself, you also learn to recognize your strengths and weaknesses. Also, through the practice of mindfulness, we recognize physical and mental signs. Thanks to this, we are able to control ourselves better.

Social Awareness – You also need to understand the feelings of others. This happens not only based on the other person’s conversation, but also through body language.

When you correctly understand the feelings of others, you are able to relate to them with more empathy. This helps improve personal and professional relationships.

Relationship Management – ​​Relationship management is not complicated. However, for this you will need to learn how to communicate better, gain and maintain trust, as well as resolve disagreements through dialogue.