each A working person sometimes feels the pressure of work-related stress. Even if he loves the work he does.

It’s natural to feel stressed when finishing work on time or taking on a difficult responsibility. But when this stress persists, it can be harmful to both physical and mental health.

In 2023, the McKinsey Health Institute in New York conducted a survey of 30,000 employees from 30 countries around the world. According to this study, an average of 20% of employees worldwide complain of burnout. While in India this figure is 59%, almost three times more. The survey also found that young people aged 18 to 24 working in small businesses are increasingly experiencing burnout.

Today in Relationships, we’ll talk about ways to reduce stress and burnout at work. You will also learn that-

What is the difference between stress and burnout? What effect does this have on our physical and mental health? What can we do at our level to overcome stress at work?

What is the difference between stress and burnout?

Stress usually occurs for reasons such as work pressure or an unhealthy lifestyle. This may happen for a few hours or a few days. In this, the person continues to think more about their current situation.

In case of burnout, a person becomes completely mentally exhausted while working. Because of this, he feels physically tired. Apart from this, there may also be issues with mood swings.

However, it can heal faster than stress.

The problem of stress and burnout has almost similar symptoms. But their reasons are different. To understand the difference between stress and burnout, check out the graphic below.

Effect of work stress and burnout on health

Too much work stress or burnout can lead to physical and mental health problems. The problems caused by this are almost the same. This can cause many physical health problems like headaches, body aches, nausea, diarrhea. Apart from this, there is also a risk of mental health problems like anxiety, irritability, nervousness, depression.

How to Avoid Work Stress and Burnout

Everyone can face the problem of stress at work. But when it lasts for a long time, it takes the form of burnout. However, by adopting certain methods, work stress and burnout can be reduced. Understand this from the graph below.

Now let’s talk in detail about some of the important points discussed above.

It is important to identify stress

The first step to managing stress is to identify its source. Identify things that trigger stress at work. Is it because of a heavy workload, deadlines, boss, colleagues or lack of resources?

When you identify the cause of stress, you can take steps to eliminate it.

Take care of time management

Time management is very important for work-life balance. Everyone has 24 hours a day, but everyone uses it in their own way. Some spend their entire day sleeping while others use their time meaningfully.

Through time management, we can find enough time for our office work as well as our personal life. If time management is correct, you can reduce stress and burnout by completing all work on time.

Also pay attention to personal care

Taking care of yourself is very important to maintain good physical and mental health. To do this, exercise daily, eat a healthy diet and get enough sleep.

Exercising can help reduce stress and improve mood. While a healthy diet and adequate sleep improve health. Apart from this, do meditation regularly. This is helpful in reducing stress.

Ask for help when needed

You can seek support from others when dealing with stress and burnout. To do this, talk to a trusted friend, colleague or family member. Talk to him about the reason for your stress.

Sharing your feelings with other people can significantly reduce stress. If you are suffering from persistent work stress or burnout, consider seeking professional help.

take breaks between work

Taking regular breaks throughout the workday can help reduce stress and prevent burnout. Take short breaks every hour or two to stretch, take a walk, or just rest for a while. This relieves the muscles and can also help increase productivity.


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