Venezuela We know India as a poor country. Inflation was so high that a few years ago its currency became almost equal to the value of paper.

However, this South American country has done a very good job despite the lack of resources, inflation and poverty. The aim is to reduce the number of deaths in road accidents by 50%. Citizens and the government have played an important role in this regard.

At the same time, a country like India, despite all its resources, has completely failed to reduce the number of deaths due to road accidents. In India, 1 lakh 80 thousand people lost their lives in road accidents during the year 2024. This figure is higher than the death of 1.72 lakh people in road accidents in 2023.

Every year, the month of January is celebrated as “Road Safety Month” to increase awareness about road safety in the country. During this period, from January 11 to 17, “Road Safety Week” is celebrated. This time the theme is “Be a Road Safety Hero”. Its main objective is to reduce road accidents in the country.

In such a situation, we will know today in the news of the need that-

What is road safety? What is the main cause of road accidents? What are the ways to prevent them?

Question: What is Road Safety Week?

Answer – Road Safety Week is an event during which government, schools, colleges, traffic police and many NGOs come together to create awareness about road safety. Many workshops and street games are organized there.

In this, it is advisable to raise awareness about traffic rules and include compliance with road rules in your daily habits.

Question: What are these road safety rules that people generally ignore?

Answer – Safety on the road starts with respecting small rules. Pedestrians must use the pedestrian crossing. Drivers must obey signals and speed limits. At the same time, it is very important to wear a helmet when riding a bicycle and to wear a seat belt when driving a car.

We often ask ourselves, “What difference does it make if you walk a short distance without a helmet?” or “How necessary is a seat belt when the car is moving slowly”.

This negligence often turns into major accidents. In addition, tripping while cycling and overloading in large vehicles are also one of the main causes of accidents.

You can improve after making mistakes in the office or at home. There is no opportunity to correct mistakes made on the road. Here, life doesn’t give you second chances. Most accidents are caused by lack of awareness, negligence and bad habits. Let’s understand this graphically.

Question – What is the main cause of road accidents?

Answer – The main causes of road accidents are speeding, drunk driving, talking on mobile while driving, bad roads and potholes, carelessness while overtaking and poor maintenance vehicles.

Have you ever wondered if, when you are driving fast, you will be able to brake at the right time? Or how long do you take your eyes off the road when you’re busy with your cell phone? Likewise, driving at high speed on a bad road can cause the vehicle to become uncontrollable.

Question – Why is regular vehicle maintenance important?

Answer – Periodic servicing and maintenance of the vehicle not only increases the lifespan of the vehicle but also ensures our safety.

Question: Does the government have a plan to help the injured?

Answer – After a road accident, many people die from lack of care. In such a situation, the government offers a cashless treatment scheme, in which the government will bear the cost of seven days of treatment of the injured person. During this period, the government will bear a maximum of Rs 1.5 lakh for the treatment.

Question- Why is it important to inform children about road safety rules?

Answer- In 2024, ten thousand children also died in road accidents. It is therefore very important to provide road safety training to both adults and children. Traffic lights, walking and cycling rules must be explained at school.

Question: Is there a fine to pay for non-compliance with the highway code?

Answer – Yes. Heavy fines are imposed for non-compliance with the highway code. Besides, for violating the rules, direct challan can now be issued from smart traffic lights, CCTV cameras and vehicle tracking system.

Road Safety Week is not just a week-long campaign, but a lifelong rule to follow. This week reminds us that our road safety is not only the government’s responsibility, but also ours. By learning from the example of a country like Venezuela, we can reduce road accidents in our country.


In 2022, there were 34,262 road accidents due to smog and fog. Among them, 14,583 people died and 30,796 people were injured.