Choreographer and director Farah Khan recently joined Mud Island actresses Archana Puran Singh and Parmeet Sethi’s house as part of her vlog. A video of this home visit has surfaced, in which Farah Khan is seen talking about the bad dancing of Mohabbatein actresses. He told that the actresses were so bad that in front of him they called Archana Madhuri and Sridevi.
Farah Khan did dance choreography in the multi-starrer film Mohabbatein, which was released in 2000. Talking about this, Farah said in her vlog that there were three girls and Archana in Mohabbatein. Shamita Shetty was a good dancer, but the rest I think I called Archana Madhuri and Sridevi. So you can imagine how bad these people were.
Regarding this, said Archana Puran Singh, I was shocked why Farah was calling me. I felt called to scold myself. But he said, stay here in front and dance. Farah said all three of them danced badly.
Let us tell you that Amitabh Bachchan, Shahrukh Khan, Jimmy Shergill, Uday Chopra, Jugal Hansraj played important roles in the film, alongside which Kim Sharma, Preeti Jhingyani and Shamita Shetty were the female leads.
During the vlog, Archana Puran Singh’s son Ayushmann Sethi had prepared vegan pasta for Farah who had returned home. During this conversation, Ayushmann also said that Archana Puran Singh never cooked for him.
Let us tell you that Farah Khan will soon be seen in the reality show Celebrity Master Chef. She will be seen as a judge on this show. While Tejashwi Prakash, Deepika Kakkar, Gaurav Khanna, Nikki Tamboli, Faizal Sheikh and Abhijeet Sawant will be considered as contestants.
Vikas Khanna and Ranveer Brar will be Farah Khan’s co-judges on the show.