each Someone wants to be happy in their life. In search of her, he continues to wander throughout his life. Happiness is the feeling of being satisfied with oneself or one’s current situation. Apart from this, some of our practical habits also bring happiness.

However, having high expectations from those close to us can sometimes rob us of our happiness. These expectations may come from a partner, friend, or family member. Psychologists also suggest that if you want to be happy, stop expecting from others. With this you can save yourself from unnecessary suffering.

So today, in the relationship section, we will talk about being happy in life without expecting others. You will also learn how expectations cause unhappiness.

The greatest cause of sadness is hope

There is a saying in Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapuran: “Hope is the ultimate sorrow”. This means that “hope or expectation is the greatest cause of sorrow.” Therefore, you should not have unnecessary expectations from anyone. Dr Satyakant Trivedi, Senior Psychiatrist, explains that true happiness lies in self-reliance rather than dependence on others.

What kind of expectations make people unhappy?

We are more attached to our friends, partners, loved ones or family members. That’s why we expect a lot from them. These expectations become the cause of our suffering. Understand this with an example-

A person should expect from their partner that their behavior will always remain the same as it is today. But sometimes this is not possible due to the ups and downs of relationships. Over time, certain changes take place in our relationships. This change can become the cause of our suffering.

Understand from the chart below what kind of expectations should not be placed on others.

Now let’s talk about the above points in detail.

Expecting to understand their feelings without telling them

It’s a big mistake to assume that your friends, family, or partner can read your mind. In fact, without telling anyone, no one can know what’s going on in your mind. In such a situation, this expectation can become the cause of your sadness. Therefore, always express your point of view openly instead of keeping it in your mind. This will avoid any type of misunderstanding and the relationship will also become stronger.

I always hope to do the right thing

We often expect people to do things our way. But it is not necessary that the way you do your work, the other person also does it with the same perfection. Each person’s way of working may be different. It is therefore futile to expect this from others. It will only bring you sadness.

wait for the happiness of others

We often expect happiness from others. But the truth is that happiness begins with yourself. So instead of expecting from others, try to be happy yourself. Indulge in your favorite activities that bring you joy. Expecting happiness from others can lead to sadness.

expect change

We often expect a change in the other person’s habits or behavior. But the truth is that instead of changing it, we want to see it according to our wishes. However, people only change when they themselves want to. In such a situation, try to accept people as they are. Don’t try to impose your point of view on them.

expect support and encouragement

Your happiness and success are in your hands. Depending on others for this can lead to disappointment. Therefore, one should never expect support and encouragement from others. It’s best to stay motivated.

Expect emotional support

It’s natural to expect emotional support from others, but that’s not always true. Often a person is struggling with their own problems and emotions. In such a situation, he is not able to provide support to others as expected.

Therefore, everyone must take responsibility for controlling their emotions. It makes us independent and mentally strong. Expectations of support from others can cause unhappiness.

You still need some things to be happy

Losing hope in others does not mean we stop caring about the people around us. It’s a way to make life easy and peaceful. The less we expect, the happier we will be. Besides not having expectations from others, other things are also necessary to be happy in life. Understand this from the graph below-

Positivity is very important to be happy

Being happy is everyone’s desire, but it does not depend only on external circumstances. Happiness lies in our thinking and mentality. For this, it is necessary to have positive thinking. It gives a person the strength to face the difficulties and problems of life.

Positivity teaches us to see the good sides of every moment of life. When we bring positivity into our thoughts, we feel excited and energetic. Through this we can learn from our mistakes and move forward in life. Therefore, to stay happy, it is very important to incorporate positivity into your life.