US MP Raja Krishnamurthy on Tuesday introduced a resolution in Parliament to celebrate January as Tamil Language and Heritage Month. After presenting the proposal, Raja posted on X and wrote:
As a Tamil American, I am proud to introduce this resolution that honors the Tamil language, heritage, and culture in the United States and around the world.
A group of 14 MPs were also with Raja to support this proposal presented on the occasion of Pongal. Those who supported also included five MPs of Indian origin Ro Khanna, Ami Bera, Shri Thanedar, Pramila Jaipal and Suhas Subramaniam.
According to the Economic Times report, anti-India activist Ilhan Omar was also among those who supported the proposal. Ilhan takes an anti-India stance on the Kashmir issue and has supported Pakistan.
Apart from these, those who supported also included MPs Jan Nicole Malliotakis, Yvette Clark, Sarah Jacobs, Deborah Ross, Danny Davis, Dina Titus, Don Davis and Summer Lee.
The number of Tamil speakers in America is 3.6 lakh
In the proposal presented to Parliament, Raja Krishnamurthy said the number of Tamil speakers in the world was 8 million. Of them, 3.6 lakh are Americans. Raja wrote that the Pongal festival of these people is very special. In the proposal, the MP mentioned that Tamil is the oldest language in the world.
Tamil Americans United, an organization associated with Tamil speakers in America, thanked Raja Krishnamurthy for the proposal. The organization called on Tamil Americans to cooperate in passing this resolution.
Another organization, the Tamil Sangam Federation of North America (FeTNA), also supported the proposal. The organization said that we Tamils have a lot to contribute to this country we call home.
US Ambassador to India Eric Garcetti also celebrated Pongal on Tuesday.
Who is Raja Krishnamurthy?
Raja Krishnamurthy is the leader of the Democratic Party. He was first elected in 2017 as a district representative in the US state of Illinois. He was also appointed as a member of two committees of the House of Representatives.
Raja was born in 1973 in Delhi. He went to America as a child. There he earned a degree in mechanical engineering from Princeton University and a law degree from Harvard Law School. Before becoming a congressman, he had worked as Illinois’ deputy treasurer.
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