Kangana Ranaut’s film ‘Emergency’ released in theaters today. Kangana played the role of Indira Gandhi in this film. The film stars Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade, Vishak Nair, Mahima Chaudhary, Milind Soman and Satish Kaushik in lead roles alongside Kangana Ranaut. The duration of this film is 2 hours 28 minutes. Indianewsget rated it 3.5 stars out of 5.
What is the story of the film?
Kangana Ranaut’s film ‘Emergency’ brings to the screen the dark chapter of Indian politics, which shook the roots of Indian democracy between 1975 and 1977. The film focuses on the strict regime and dictatorial decisions of the Prime Minister of the time, Indira Gandhi. The story focuses on the 21-month state of emergency, during which civil liberties were restricted.
The film mentions historical events like the Bangladesh War of Independence, Operation Blue Star, the Khalistani movement and the assassination of Indira Gandhi. But amidst these incidents, the story places more emphasis on the political and emotional aspects of the Emergency period.
How is the star casting game going?
Kangana Ranaut brought the character of Indira Gandhi to life. His appearance, expressions and dialogues are excellent. Vishak Nair played the controversial personality of Sanjay Gandhi very faithfully. Anupam Kher presented the troubled personality of Jayaprakash Narayan very effectively. Mahima Chaudhary played the role of Indira Gandhi’s close friend Poopul Jayakar in this film. He added emotional depth to his acting. Milind Soman played the role of Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw very well. At the same time, Satish Kaushik left an impressive impression in the character of Jagjivan Ram.
How is the management?
Kangana Ranaut has directed the film herself. He found a brilliant balance between historical events and human aspects. A glimpse of 1970s India is clearly visible in every frame of the film. Kangana presented the complex aspects of Indian politics while remaining impartial to the story. Although the film is a bit long, making it slow in places, this drawback seems minimal compared to its impressive content. Apart from Kangana’s direction, the cinematography of the film is also astonishing. Which fully succeeded in bringing that era back to life. It features excellent cinematography and an accurate presentation of historical events.
How is the music in the film?
The music in the film is very impressive. Songs like ‘Singhasan Khali Karo’ and ‘Sarkar Ko Salaam Hai’ effectively convey the message of the film to the audience. The background music adds depth to the story.
Final verdict, to watch or not?
This film can be watched to get a glimpse of the most controversial period in Indian history. This film is an intense experience, especially for those interested in politics.