Last month, a 9 -year -old girl was admitted to the Muzaffarpur district hospital in Bihar after serious stomach pain. In the investigation, something like Big Flakes looked in his stomach. After carrying out the operation, it was found that it was a pile of about 1 kg of hair.
Parents said the girl used to break her hair and eat at the age of 3. The roommates estimated that this habit would disappear after explaining. When the girl did not listen to rumble and explain, her hair of the head was cut. After that, the question came and came. A few months later, when the girl complained of stomach pain and did not eat food for 15 days, she was taken to the hospital. There, it was discovered that he had nearby hair in his stomach.
It is a mental health disorder, in which a person begins to scratch and eat their hair and eyebrow hair. In the language of science, it is called Trichotillomania. His name is also a “disorder drawing hair”.
If someone eats hair and eats, this condition is called Pica. In this, people start to eat such things, which are not nutritical, that is to say no nutrition and which are not human foods.
In Pica, people start to eat not only hair, but also things like soil, chalk, lime. According to a report published at the National Library of Medicine, around 12% of children around the world sometimes suffer from Pica.
Therefore, in “Sehtanama”, we will talk about TrichotyLomainia and Pica today. Will also know that-
What are the symptoms of these?
Two mental illnesses to the little girl
Trichotylomania and Pica are two different mental health problems. It is more risk if there is a problem like OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), depression and anxiety. While the PICA generally occurs for young children and pregnant women. Some people may have these two mental health problems simultaneously. The girl who has a bunch of hair in her stomach, she had both diseases together.
What are the symptoms of these diseases?
The symptoms of trichotylomene and Pica are different. First see the symptoms of trichotylomania-
Pica symptoms
The PICA generally develops due to the lack of nutrients in the body. Therefore, when the PICA is, the lack of nutrients in the body is examined. Most people have symptoms such as PICA anemia. See other graphic symptoms
What complications can be caused by trichotylomania and Pica?
There may be a problem of self-aggression and depression due to the lack of trichotillomania to stop the habit of scratching your hair. This increases embarrassment and reduces confidence. People are starting to avoid meeting in society and loneliness is increasing. In addition, hair striking increases the risk of baldness and infection.
Pica risk
Eat unusual things like stone, soil, plastic or metals when PICA increases digestive problems. In this, people often have problems such as constipation and diarrhea. Eating things like soil or paper for a long time can cause serious problems, see in the graphic
What is the treatment of trichotylomania and PICA?
Trichotylomania is a mental health problem. Therefore, the help of therapy is generally taken in its treatment.
Cognitivo -behavioral therapy (CBT) – This is considered the best treatment. In this, an attempt is made to change the person’s habits and how to think.
Inversion therapy of habits (HS) – In this, the person is formed to adopt any other safe habit instead of scratching the hair, like a pressing sponge ball or pulling an elastic.
MEDITATION – In this, many stress management technicians are taught in which meditation and yoga are also advised.
What is the remedy for Pica?
The sooner PICA treatment begins, the easier it is to repair it. Suppose someone has eaten paint and it caused an infection in the stomach, so that doctors can remove it from the urine by giving chelation therapy. But the delay in this process, the more the problem will increase.
If a doctor notes a nutritional deficiency or imbalance in your body, it can give vitamins, iron or other treatment supplements. If the reason behind this is a mental disorder, doctors can ask the clinical psychologist to take therapy. In many cases, therapy and drugs are given together to patients.
Some current questions and answers linked to trichotylomania and PICA
Question: Can trichotylomomania be completely healed?
Answer: Yes, it can be completely controlled using correct treatment and therapy. The sooner treatment begins, the better the results are. For this, the help of a good psychiatrist must be taken.
Question: can Pica be cured alone?
Answer: At the age of 2 to 6, children often have PICA problems. In most cases, he is hardened alone.
At this age, the physical and mental development of children occurs quickly. Therefore, they need more nutrients. If there is no balanced diet, there is a nutrient deficiency in the body and there is a PICA problem. Everything becomes normal when an adequate diet is found.
Many women also have this problem even during pregnancy, but after having obtained enough diet, it is healed in itself after a while.
Question: What tests are carried out to detect the PICA?
Answer: There is no defined test to detect it. We generally see it through blood tests which essential nutrients of the body. Doctors generally look at the history of the patient’s behavior. Apart from that, they ask what not nutritical things he eats. This allows you to know at what level the food disorder has reached.
Question: Why does he become his group in the stomach when he eats the hair?
Answer: Our digestive system cannot be digested by hair. Therefore, the hair continues to stick to the wall of the stomach. If a person eats the hair continuously, they take the form of a snowflake.
Question: Who is the risk of high Pica?
Answer: these people are more likely to pica-
To young children (2 to 6 years old).
Question: What is the risk of trichotylomeneya?
Answer: These people present a higher risk of trichotylomania-
Kishore, who is 11 to 13 years old, who has hormonal changes in the body, which is already anxiety or depression.
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