In this episode of Reel to Real, we will know what is the process of improving the Censur certificate in the film.
We often see that a film is prohibited. The producer faces many difficulties in the sensor certificate. Does the censorship council really allow the right to ban a film? In “Udta Punjab”, the board of directors had ordered to cut around 89 scenes, but the court approved the release of the film with a single cup, which was negligible.
Today, in this episode of Reel to Real, we will know what is the operation of the censorship council. What is the process of obtaining the film a certificate of censur. What type of challenges faces a producer to obtain the film’s censur certificate. To understand this whole process, we talked to the former president of the Censure Council Pahlaj Nihalani and producer Sridhar Rangayan.
What is the sensor card?
The Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) is also known as Censor Board. It is a legal institution which falls under the Ministry of Information and Dissemination. This institution gives certificates to the films made in India according to their content before the release. This certificate is cinematography Act 1952.
How the censorship was trained in India
The first film “Raja Harishchandra” was made in India in 1913. This was followed by the Indian Cinematography Act in 1920. He was then under Madras (Chennai), Bombay (Mumbai), Calcutta (Kolkata), Lahore (Pakistan ) and the chief of the Police of the Rangoon Censorship Council (Yangon, Burma). The first regional sensors were independent.
After independence, regional sensors were submitted to the Bombay Board of Film Sensors. After that, after its entry into force the cinematographic law in 1952, the board of directors was restructured as the “Central Board of Film Censors”. In 1983, certain changes were made to the act of the performance of the film and the institution was called “Central Board of Film Certification”, that is to say “CBFC”.
Who names the president and the members of CBFC?
The president and CBFC members are appointed by the central government. The members of this institution are not in any government position. The film is shown to the team formed by the Censorship Council before its release. There are five members in this team. Including two men, two women and one are CBFC officers. After watching the film, the members decide what category of the film must go with the certificate.
Does CBFC have the right to ban the film?
According to The Change in the Cinematography Act 1952 and the cinematography rules in 1983, the Censure Council cannot prohibit any film. He cannot refuse to give a certificate to the film. In such a situation, the film cannot be released in the theater.
This is directly similar to a ban. On this question, the central government declared in Rajya Sabha on March 31, 2022 that the Censure Council could not prohibit a film, but could refuse to give a certificate on the violation of directives under the law on cinematography.
How does CBFC work?
The CBFC, that is to say that the censorship council has a maximum of 68 days for the certification of the film. The first film’s request is examined. It takes a week. The film is then sent to the investigation committee. They have 15 days to examine the film.
The investigation committee sends the film to the president of the Censure Council. The president of the censorship council can take a maximum of 10 days to examine the film. After that, within 36 days, the sensor card provides information and a certificate on the cuts required to the applicant.
Film producer and former president of the Pahlaj Nihalani censorship council
Why is there a confusion about the name of the censorship council?
During a conversation with Indianewsget, Pahlaj Nihalani, a well -known producer of Bollywood and former president of the Censure Council, said that people were confused with the name of the central advice for the film ” and of the censorship. Nihalani said – from the ministry to the public, it is in the confusion of what he should say. During my mandate, the Minister of State of the Union to information and dissemination Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore spread the air in the industry that there is a central certification body, but it is not yet Clear if the CBFC is the Central Board of Film Certification or the Censor Board.
The certificate is not required for the content of social media
During my mandate, I had advised everyone to make a film according to the directive, so that no one suffers, but at that time, there was such an atmosphere that many cuts had to be given in the film ” Omkara ”. KYA KYA KOOL HAI HUM, Grand Masti had an overabundance of dialogues and abuse of double sense.
When these films were published on YouTube, many people complained in court. The court destroyed by the central film certification board (CBFC) that how can you pass all this? Our legal team said that the certificate of censorship is not required on social networks. The manufacturers released the film on YouTube with an unexpected scene to increase curiosity among the public.
No one knows how “Udta Punjab” has gone
The Punjab government did not want the film to pass “Udta Punjab” because the film was in the background of the drug. We passed the film by giving a few cuts according to the directives of the Consulting Council. The film went to court. The court said that the law of the censorship council was to certify films only for performance, not to censor them. Let the public decide what he wants to see and what it is not. Each person has their own choice.
Let us know that the censorship advice had asked to cut around 89 scenes from the film, but the film became near the Cup. Pahlaj Nihalani said – with the strength of the film that has passed the film, no one knows to this day.
There are many films that have been prohibited by the Censorship Council. What is the reason for this? This was revealed by filmmaker Sridhar Rangayan during a conversation with Indianewsget.
The film is against vulgar, offensive and community
The film by filmmaker Sridhar Rangayan, “The Pink Mirror”, was prohibited by the Censorship Council. Sridhar Rangayan dit – I sent a 40 -minute film “Pink Aina” to the Censure Council in 2002. The film was prohibited. Apply three times, but whenever the answer was that the film is against vulgar, offensive and community. The film was a funny and comic story of two characters from the Drug Queen, but perhaps the censorship council felt against the thought dominated by men.
I asked that when I am part of this community myself, how can someone else judge him? Still no approval has been received. We were asked to go to a appeal committee, separated from the Appeal Court (CBFC), where the decisions of the Censure Council are disputed), but we did not do so.
What is the change in the censure council?
Our film “Evening Shadows” received the UA certificate. The censure council said that it mentions homosexuality and transcuity. It would therefore be considered adult content, but we explained that the film had neither content nor sexual voice. It was the story of a boy who tells his mother that he is gay and then showed the mother’s dilemma. Finally, the censorship council agrees with us and gave the AU certificate to the “evening shadows”.
The sensor map always works on the old rules
I believe that homosexuality and transcuity must be completely deleted from the rules of the sensor map. The sensor map always works on the old rules. The real change will only come when the rules change. The CBFC should only work to give films certificates, not to censor them.
Censorship is not their work, but they have put cuts in the films, which do not fall under their jurisdiction. If a film is not suitable for an audience, the table of sensors can call it “unfit”, but it is not fair to run scissors on content. The rating system works in many countries and the sensor is limited.
Why does he need a change in the censorship?
CBFC should avoid custody of morality. The most important change is that the board of directors should not only have the elderly and traditional people with traditional thought, but also young generations, people from different LGBTQ + horizons and people of different opinions. With this, things will be seen from the point of view of balance and censorship will be more transparent.
Should also understand their responsibility?
The censorship board should consider several aspects before cutting the cup, but filmmakers should also take care of the sensations of the public. Content on OTT platforms is excessively violent and reprehensible. He should have a limit.
Nowadays, mental health problems are increasing and some scenes can be triggered for people. I am not saying that such scenes should be deleted or prohibited, but the filmmakers themselves should take responsibility for giving a clear warning at the start.
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