India News Get -careerrecruit for 171 group C positions before the High Court of Patna; Opportunity for the 8th to the 12th pass, salary more than 40,000

More than 100 group C (regular workers) were recruited before the High Court of Patna. Applicants can apply by visiting the official website.

Educational qualification:

8th – 12th pass

On -board limit:

18 – 37 years old


Annary, BC, EBC, EWS: RS 700SC, ST, OH: RS 350


14,800 – 40,300 per month and other allowances will also be granted.

Selection process:

Reton Testasicilling Testschill Test Enterway

How to apply:

Official website Go to.

Official website link

Official notification link

from the government’s work

NBCC recruited the position of Managing Director; Edge limit 50 years old, salary up to 2 lakh 40,000

NBCC (India) Limited recruited the position of Managing Director. Applicants can apply by visiting the official website The last request date was set on March 13. here

Recruitment at 457 positions in Indian Oil Corporation; Engineers luck, selection on the basis of merit

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