If you wish to organize a monthly income for yourself after retirement or before, the national monthly income account for the post office will be correct. This scheme is currently receiving an annual interest of 7.4%. Thanks to this, you can organize an income from RS 9,250 each month for yourself. We are talking about this diagram …

9,250 rupees will be available each month The annual interest in this program is distributed in 12 months and you get this amount each month. If you do not withdraw monthly money, it will be in your savings account of post offices and you will get other interests by adding these money with the director.

Suppose you invest 9 Lakh rupees in this program, you will now get an interest of 66 thousand 600 rupees per year depending on 7.4% of annual interest. On the other hand, if you invest 15 lakhs under a joint account, you will get an annual interest of 1 lakh 11,000 rupees. If you also distribute it in 12 months, you will get Rs 9,250 each month. If you do not remove the declarations, interest is also available.

Note: This calculation is estimated. The government reviews the interests received on small savings regimes every 3 months.

The money deposited after 5 years will come back His maturity period is 5 years. In other words, when the program is finished, you will recover all of your deposit capital. However, if you wish, you can again maintain this money by investing this money in this program.

Who can open the account? This account can also be opened in the name of a minor and a joint account in the name of 3 adults. An account can also be opened under the supervision of parents over 10 years old.

Aadhaar-Pain required to open an account The central government has rendered the Pan and Aadhaar card compulsory to invest in other savings regimes of post offices, including PPF, Sukanya Samriddhi and the monthly national savings income account. From now on, it will be necessary to install the Aadhaar number or the Aadhaar registration slip in government regimes.

How can you open an account in this area?

For this, the first must open a savings account in the post office. Your account will open. Click here for more informationThere are more news …