Alum I don’t need an introduction. It is a compound that is easily found in almost all households. In English, his name is the alum. Alum is mainly used for purification of water, cosmetics, personal hygiene products and food preservation. In addition, alum makes the skin healthy and helps prevent bleeding from light injuries.

According to a study published at the National Library of Medicine, the alun has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which help heal injuries. However, the alum can only be used on the outside of the body.

Another study of this library suggests that it is beneficial for oral elements with alum. The antimicrobial properties that present there prevent dental plaque. Dental plaque has a sticky layer of bacteria on the teeth. However, more study is still necessary on this subject.

Let’s talk about the advantages of alum in the news of the need today. Will also know that-

Are there side effects to use alum?

Expert – Dr Yashwant Rao Vikram, Ayurvedecharya

Question – What is alum? The answer is a natural mineral, which dissolves easily in water. It is found in many regions of India. These include Orissa, Bihar, Punjab, Gujarat and Western Bengal. The alum is white or transparent white in color. Its taste is astringent and sour.

Question – How is alum beneficial for health? Answer – alum, whether in the form of crystal or powder, is rich in many qualities. It has anti -personnel properties, which help control perspiration. The alum is also used in the brush because it helps to strengthen teeth, eliminate respiratory smell and reduce inflammation of the gums. It acts as a natural antiseptic.

Discover the advantages of the graphic alum below

Question-Are there side effects to use alum? Answer – where the use of alum has many advantages. It also has some possible side effects. Such as-

People with sensitive skin can be irritated and itching.

Question – What type of precautions should be taken during the use of the alun? Answer – Some precautions are necessary for a safe and effective use of alum. Understand the graphic below-

Question – Can you use an alun former? Answer – Ayurvedacharya, Dr. Yashwant Rao Vikram, says that the alum should be avoided daily. It is best to use it once or twice a week on the skin.

Question – Is alum sure for the skin? Answer – Yes, alum is sure for the skin. It brings a lock to the skin and reduces acne and stains. However, excessive use can cause drought and irritation on the face.

Question – How can we use alum on the face? The answer – the alum on the face can be used in many ways. Such as-

You can apply alum powder in water or rose and apply it to the face. Face.

Keep in mind that after using the alum on the face, apply a moisturizer. It makes the skin soft.

Question – Is it fair to apply an old alun after shaving? Answer – Dr. Yashwant Rao Vikram says yes, it is just to apply alum after shaving because it has antibacterial properties, which protect against infection. Rub the alum when cut during shaving stops bleeding. Apart from that, it also makes the face soft.

Question – Is alum beneficial for teeth? Answer – The alum is beneficial for oral health because of its antibacterial properties. Boil it in the water and rinse it relieves the teeth and gets rid of the cavity. In addition, the risk of pyorrhea is also low.

Question – Is alum effective in reducing joint pain and inflammation? Answer – The anti -inflammatory properties present in alum are useful for reducing joint pain. Apart from that, it also reduces inflammation. For this, the water of the alum should be compressed on the pain or a fiery part.

Question-Does Alun Heal the post-operation injuries? Answer – Alun water can be useful for cure after surgery. But the alum should not be used on such injuries without advice from the doctor.

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