CareerToday is the last date to apply for recruitment to 455 posts in Jharkhand Secretariat, graduates should apply immediately

There is recruitment for 455 stenographer posts in Jharkhand Secretariat. There are regular and backlog positions in this vacancy. His notification was issued by the Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission. Corrections in the application form can be made from October 7 to 10.

Vacancy details by category:

Unreserved: 182 messagesST: 118 messagesSC: 45 messagesExtremely Backward Class: 37 messagesBackward Class: 27 messagesEconomically Weaker Section: 45 messages

Educational diploma:

Postgraduate diploma. It is necessary to be proficient in shorthand.

Age limit:

Minimum: 21 years Maximum: 35 years The reserved category will benefit from a relaxation in the maximum age limit.

Selection process:

skills test online exam

Costs :

General, OBC, EWS: Rs 100, SC, ST: Rs 50

Salary :

Depending on level – 4, Rs 25,500 – Rs 81,100 per month.

Exam Pattern:

There will be two papers in the written exam. All tests will be objective and three points will be awarded for each correct answer. While there will be a negative mark of one point for each wrong answer. The language of the exam will be Hindi/English. The question syllabus of the written exam will be of 10th standard.

Apply like this:

Go to the official website Register by clicking on “New registration”. Log in and enter the required details. After paying the fee, print the form.

Official notification link

online application link

Government Jobs: Recruitment for 3,306 posts in Allahabad High Court, possibility of sixth pass for graduates, age limit of 40 years.

The Allahabad High Court has invited applications for the posts of Stenographer, Junior Assistant, Driver and various Group D posts in the Civil Court. The application deadline for this recruitment is October 24. here

Government Job: Central University of Jharkhand Recruitment, 10th Pass Opportunity for Graduates, Salary Above 1 Lakh

There is recruitment for non-teaching posts in Central University of Jharkhand. The application deadline for this recruitment has been set for October 8. here