India News Get -careertips of Jee Hands Topper Navya frequented ordinary school for better preparation

My name is Navya Aggarwal. I scored 97.90% in the JEE-1 sessions. I am currently in class 12. I am from Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh. My father is at the State Bank of India and mother is a manufacturer of houses.

I had already thought that I had to go in the scientific background. I joined the coaching for the first time in 11th and it was my first Atmpt.

Prepare Jee networks with an ordinary school

I used to study 8 to 9 hours a day. This year, I have an examination of the board of directors, so I was going to the ordinary school. Sometimes, when there was more pressure or I thought I had to finish a little more missions, I used to study 10 to 12 hours.

Understand the difference in strong subject and week

Mathematics are my favorite material. If you like a subject, you don’t need to work hard, because it is easy for you like playing games.

At the same time, my physique is not so good, so I worked hard on physics. If you understand this difference, the subject’s pressure is less.

The online study also benefited

Online courses benefit from the advantage. I read the coaching of physics and the study of mathematics. At the same time, I read chemistry with online lessons. If you read the right strategy, online courses facilitate your study.

Visiation visited as a family to refresh

I think you continue to study for a long time you tired and that you cannot read with full energy. So I also went to spend a vacation with my family at the end of the year. I think walking refreshes you.

To cool off, he also walked at the end of the year.

Time management learned from the simulated test

I also gave regular simulated tests. The simulation test helped me a lot. Mathematics are my favorite material and I find it very easy.

But when I did a simulated test, I understood that I had less time for mathematics. The simulated tests are preparing you for exams.

Whenever stressed, called friends

Until the exam is not there, it doesn’t matter how much you think it is stressed. Whenever I stressed, I used to walk with my friends. It is necessary to get out of the study. Walking for 15 to 20 minutes light your mood. Support for friends and family is very important.

Iit wants to go to Hyderabad

I thought from the start, I will select the CS branch. My 12th Examination of the Board of Directors will also begin. I also have to give Jee hands sessions-2. After that, I’m going. But I want me to have the chance to study in Iit Hyderabad.