Producer Vasu Bhagnani has been surrounded in controversies for a long time due to the issue of stopping payments. Meanwhile, Vasu Bhagwani’s production house Pooja Entertainment has filed a complaint against OTT platform Netflix, accusing it of fraud of Rs 47 crore. Netflix hit back at Vasu’s allegations and said that on the contrary, they had to take money from Vasu Bhagwani.
In the complaint, Pooja Entertainment accused Netflix that its three films Hero No. 1, Mission Raniganj and Bade Miyan Chhote Miyan were released on the OTT platform, although Netflix is yet to pay Rs 47.37 crore for the rights broadcast. Vasu Bhagnani’s complaint also names Los Gatos Production Service India, which manages Netflix’s Indian content. Apart from this, the names of 10 executives including Zoo Digital are also included in the complaint.
An official statement from Netflix has been released regarding Vasu Bhagnani’s allegations. In what has been said, these allegations are completely unfounded. In fact, Pooja Entertainment owes Netflix money. We have a proven track record of partnering with India’s creative community. We are working with authorities to resolve this issue.
Director Ali Abbas had made allegations of stopping payments
Producer Vasu Bhagnani has been controversial for a long time. Ali Abbas Zafar, director of the film Bade Miyan Chhote Miyan from his production house, recently accused him of not receiving Rs 7.3 million for making the film. He also filed a complaint with the Directors’ Association regarding the matter. As the controversy intensified, Vasu Bhagnani also accused director Ali of misusing subsidies received from the Abu Dhabi authorities during the shooting of the film ‘Bade Miyan Chhote Miyan’. Vasu had also gone to lodge a police complaint against Ali in this case but his FIR was not registered.
Director Ali Abbas Zafar accused of embezzlement: producer Vasu complained to police, FIR not registered; The case is linked to the film BMCM
Recently, while speaking to Indianewsget, director Ali Abbas Zafar had revealed that Pooja Entertainment founder and famous film producer Vasu Bhagnani had frozen Rs 7.3 crore from director Ali Abbas Zafar. In his investigation, Indianewsget had found that Ali had also filed a complaint against Vasu with the Directors’ Association. …
Allegation on Vasu Bhagnani – 7 crores were withheld from director: Vivek Agnihotri did not give 1 lakh; The Cine Association said – Producers are cheating on fees
In July 2024, news came from the country’s famous filmmaker Vasu Bhagnani that he had not paid Rs 65 lakh to the crew members working on his film. For this, the Federation of Western Indian Cinema Employees (FWICE) had to intervene.