Govinda’s wife Sunita Ahuja recently spoke about her daughter Tina Ahuja’s film career. He said some people think Tina has left the industry, but that’s not the case. When the right opportunities don’t present themselves, how will she work? Apart from this, he also said that some people thought that if Tina worked, Govinda would come on the set and scold everyone.
Speaking to Hindi Rush, Govinda’s wife Sunita Ahuja said, “Recently there were rumors that Tina left Bollywood. I don’t know why people think like that. Why a child of the industry would he leave the industry? She is just waiting to find a good job. If she gets a good job, why wouldn’t she give her a chance to work.
Sunita slammed nepotism in Bollywood and said that only star kids of a particular group get the job. He said: “Stop nepotism, give others a chance to work too. Everyone works in the same group, but there are also people outside. Tina is always ready to work. He really likes to work. Why always show the same actor?
According to Sunita, people also think that if Tina works in films, her father Govinda will come on the sets and mistreat her as he is a strict father. Let us tell you, Tina Ahuja entered Bollywood in 2015 with the film Second Hand Husband.
Govinda’s son Yash will make his debut soon. Govinda’s son Yash will make his acting debut this year with a love story. In such a situation, Sunita was asked if people compare her children to Govinda. With that, Sunita said, “No, no. I taught my son not to imitate his father. Create your own style, play and dance yourself. I don’t want people to compare you to Govinda. I know people will make comparisons, but Govinda had 90s style and Yash will have 2025 style.