Kannada actor Shiva Rajkumar was suffering from bladder cancer for a long time. Recently, the actor shared a video on social media and declared that he is now cancer free. After watching this video, fans are unable to recognize him because his hair fell out due to chemotherapy.
Shiv Rajkumar shared the video
The actor shared his emotional journey on social media. The actor said that on December 24, 2024, he underwent surgery for gallbladder cancer at the Miami Cancer Institute, America, and the surgery was successful. During treatment, doctors removed her bladder and replaced it with another one.
The actor was very scared before seeking treatment
Shivkumar further said in the video that he was very scared before undergoing the treatment. But the support of fans, relatives and doctors gave him courage. In this video, his wife Geeta is also seen alongside the actor.
The actor’s wife thanked the fans
Sharing the video on Instagram, the actor’s wife said: Happy New Year everyone. Thanks to your prayers, all reports from Dr. Shiv Rajkumar have turned negative. His pathology report also came negative and he is now finally cured of cancer. We are both grateful for your prayers.
The actor is on complete rest for a month
Shiv Rajkumar said his kidney bladder was removed and another bladder was installed. He also underwent chemotherapy. Doctors asked him to rest for another month and advised him to be careful. Shiv Rajkumar thanked the fans. He congratulated his fans on the New Year and said he would return to work soon.
Shiva is the elder brother of the late Kannada actor Puneeth Rajkumar.
Let us tell you that Shiv Rajkumar’s cancer surgery started in December. Shiva is the elder brother of the late Kannada actor Puneeth Rajkumar. In 2021, Puneet died after suffering a heart attack. At that time, Puneet was 46 years old.