The troubles of Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa, arrested for the murder of his own fan Renukaswamy in June, seem to be growing. The actor was released on bail to undergo surgery on December 30 after spending 131 days in jail. However, the Karnataka government will now challenge the High Court’s decision to grant bail.

The Karnataka government on Monday appointed senior advocate Anil C. Nishani to the Supreme Court to challenge the bail granted by the Karnataka High Court to Darshan Thoogudeepa and others, according to police sources. In this order, the State Attorney General was directed to prepare the necessary documents for filing the SLP (Special Leave Petition). Senior advocate Siddharth Luthra has been appointed to lead the case on behalf of the Karnataka government.

Let us tell you that Darshan Thoogudeepa was arrested on June 11 for the murder of fan Renukaswamy. A lot of strong evidence was also found against Darshan and his associates. Darshan’s bail application was repeatedly rejected in view of the evidence. A 1991-page indictment was drawn up against him. However, on October 30, his lawyer requested bail citing back pain and surgery, after which he was released on bail on October 30. On December 13, Darshan and all the main accused in the case were released on bail.

Darshan’s photos revealed from the crime scene

The Bangalore Police filed the chargesheet in the high-profile Renukaswamy murder case in the 57th CHC court on November 23, which was prepared under the supervision of ACP Chandan Kumar. In the charge sheet, the Bangalore police presented the photographs taken at the crime scene of Darshan as important evidence. In the four photos that have surfaced, Darshan poses with his fellow accused Janadeesh and Anukumar. There is also a jeep in the background in the photos, which was used at the time of the murder. The same jeep was also seen in the CCTV footage found around the crime scene.

See crime scene photos preserved in the indictment.

Allegations of fan’s murder surfaced, actor seen leaving crime scene

On June 9, the body of an unidentified youth was found in a drain in Bangalore’s Kamakshipalya area. During investigation, the boy was identified as Renukaswamy, 33, who worked in a medical store. The investigation into the murder led the police into a rout. Scanning the CCTV footage, Darshan Thoogudeepa and his girlfriend Pavitra Gowda were seen leaving the crime scene. Pavitra Gowda is also a Kannada actress. Darshan and Pavitra were arrested on June 11 after CCTV footage was obtained.

One of the murder accused had clicked Renukaswamy’s photo while torturing him.

Investigation revealed that deceased Renukaswamy Darshan was a fan of Thoogudeepa. He considered her an ideal, but when actress Pavitra Gowda revealed in a social media post in January that she had been in a relationship with Darshan, who had been married for 10 years, Renukaswamy was hurt. He didn’t want Pavitra to live with Darshan. He often sent threatening messages to Pavitra. When Pavitra complained about this to Darshan, he sought help from the people who ran his fan club. First, Renukaswamy was lured and called to Godown, where he was tortured and murdered.

After the arrest, the police took Darshan and Pavitra to the crime scene.

According to the police, Darshan and his associates severely beat Renukaswamy and applied electric current to his private parts of the godown. Moreover, before killing Renukaswami, Pavitra herself had beaten him with a shoe. One of his ears was also cut off.

Darshan Thoogudeepa’s jeep leaves the crime scene.

Darshan’s friends whose clothes were stained with blood after the murder. He went to the nearby Reliance store, bought new clothes and changed there. These clothes were recovered and forensic analyzes were carried out. 19 people were arrested in this case including Darshan and Pavitra.


Renukaswamy Murder Case – There was blood on superstar Darshan’s clothes: Revealed in the chargesheet, an electric shock was applied on the private part of the fan; Police found 230 pieces of evidence

In this charge sheet, it is stated that blood stains were found on Darshan’s clothes and Pavitra’s shoes. Both of them tortured fan Renukaswamy to such an extent that they even applied electric shocks on his private parts. …