ACHARYA BALAKRISHNA, Dr Chandraprakash dwivedi, Literator OM NISCHAL, Dr LAKSHMI SHANKAR BAJPAI, Director of Sarva Language Trust, Keshav Mohan Pandey, Professor Music Ragi at the World Book Fair, the third book of the famous actor of Bollywood Akhilendra and the second Poem Bollywood book collection “Atmothanam”.
Akhilendra Mishra’s collection of “Atmanam” poems was published at the World Book Fair.
On the occasion of the Liberation, Akhilendra Mishra recited Hindi poetry with his “Atmanam” poetry collection. On the special public demand, Akhilendra Mishra has also recited his poem “Saraswati” and “Democracy”. He explained democracy in his democracy of poetry spiritually.
Please say that Saraswati’s poetry is based on the Saraswati river. It is indicated in this poem that Saraswati is subtle. It’s secret, but not off. This poem does this. “Atmothanam” is the third book of Akhilendra Mishra. His first collection of poems is “Akhilemritam”. The second book is based on the “acting actor and acting” spirituality “. Who is the best seller on Amazon for 1 year. The three books are available on Amazon and Flipkart.
Akhilendra Mishra has now evolved into literature with a proven actor. He has been associated with literature since childhood, but now he has started writing. Akhilendra Mishra has entertain the public a lot with his game. Now his literary journey will give new direction to society and literature.