‘jug-jug liveFamous actor Manmeet Singh recently opened up about his kidney stone problem. He shared in an Instagram video that a few years ago, he had kidney stones every 3 months. The stone caused a lot of pain. To get rid of it, he also had to undergo laser treatment every 3 months.
Due to kidney stones, most people experience pain and feel very uncomfortable. Manmeet was fed up with the same problem over and over again. Then his doctor told him a secret and his kidney stone problem disappeared.
Since then, according to the doctor’s advice, he drinks 1 to 2 liters of water every morning. He has been following him continuously for 7 years. In the meantime, he had stopped drinking water in the morning for a while and he developed kidney stones again.
The question now is whether drinking plenty of water actually solves the problem of kidney stones.
That’s why today in “Sehatnama” we will talk about kidney stones in detail. You will also learn that-
Does drinking too much water prevent kidney stones? Which people have more kidney stones? What diet changes are possible to prevent them?
Cases of kidney stones are increasing in the country and around the world.
According to a report published in the National Library of Medicine, in 2019, 11.5 million people worldwide suffered from kidney stones. In Saudi Arabia, 20% of people have kidney stones. These cases are increasing every year.
According to a report by the ‘National Center for Biotechnology Information’, more than 12% of Indians suffer from kidney stones. It is also reported that cases of kidney stones have increased rapidly in recent years.
Drinking enough water reduces the risk of kidney stones.
Our blood contains many minerals like calcium, sodium and oxalate. It also contains uric acid. When the kidneys filter them and expel them as urine, they need fluid or water. Due to lack of water, these substances begin to stick to each other. These become stones. It is therefore important to drink enough water.
Who is most at risk for kidney stones?
Urologist Dr Atul Goswami says people who don’t drink enough water are most likely to develop kidney stones. Apart from that, see in the graph which people are most at risk:
Certain medical conditions are also responsible for kidney stones
Besides lifestyle and diet, certain medical conditions also increase the risk of kidney stone formation. See the graph:
What is the treatment for kidney stones?
Dr Atul Goswami says if someone has a small stone, there is a good chance it will go away on its own. The doctor can give you medications that will not cause discomfort and will help remove stones in the urine.
If the stone is large, the doctor may wait a while before it disappears on its own with the urine. If the stone increases in size or causes damage to the kidney, treatment may be given. In this case, first of all, medications are given to reduce pain and the urethra is made comfortable. Urine released by the kidney continues to be stored in the bladder. When urine exceeds 300 to 400 ml, it exits the body through a tube or tube. This tube is called the urethra. Due to kidney stones, there is pressure on the urethra and pain. This is why doctors try to reduce this pain with medication.
These treatments may be given to eliminate stones:
Shock wave lithotripsy: Stones are broken up using shock waves. As a result, the stones break into pieces and are passed out through urine.
Ureteroscopy: This treatment is usually given when a stone becomes stuck in the urinary tract or bladder. In this treatment, the stone is removed by inserting an instrument into the urinary tract.
Laparoscopic surgery: In this surgery, the doctor makes a small incision to remove the stone. Then, with the help of a few machines, the stone is removed.
Open surgery: In some cases, a large incision is made and the stone is removed through open surgery.
Some common questions and answers related to kidney stones
Question: What complications can arise from kidney stones?
Answer: Here are the dangers of kidney stones:
A blockage can cause urine to flow back into the kidneys. This can cause swelling of the kidneys (hydronephrosis). A kidney infection (pyelonephritis) may occur. This is a type of kidney failure that can be reversed. Frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs) may occur.
Question: What can happen if someone has kidney stones?
Answer: First of all, it is necessary to understand that at present medical science has advanced so much that the treatment of this problem is now very simple.
All kidney stones smaller than 6 millimeters are considered small stones. 90% of these calculations come out on their own.
All stones larger than 6 mm fall into the category of large stones. Here too, 60% of stones are eliminated on their own.
If the stone has become very large or is blocking urine, it may need to be broken up or removed. For this, laser treatment or surgery may be necessary.
Sometimes stones that are supposed to pass on their own can grow or cause a blockage. In such a situation, emergency treatment must be taken.
Question: Can you get rid of kidney stones just by drinking water?
Answer: If your doctor thinks that your kidney stones are small enough that they may disappear on their own, then he or she may advise you to drink plenty of water. During this period, medications should be taken as directed by the doctor and necessary dietary precautions should be taken.
Question: What things should you avoid in foods if you have kidney stones?
Answer: If you have kidney stones or have ever suffered from them, you should pay special attention to your eating habits. Those who do not have stones should also pay attention to their diet. Such as-
Do not eat or drink foods high in oxalate. Like chocolate, tea, sweet potatoes. Eat less meat. Do not drink cold drinks. Avoid anything with high fructose corn syrup.
Question: What to do if you have kidney stones?
Answer: If you have stones, keep the following things in mind:
Drink at least 12 glasses of water every day. Eat citrus fruits like oranges. Do not drink tea, coffee and sugary drinks. Make a diet chart with the help of a doctor and follow it.
…………………. from Sehatnama Sehatnama – Alia Bhatt had to stop urinating for 6 hours: stopping urinating increases the risk of urinary infection, kidney stones
Doctors recommend that a healthy adult person urinate approximately once every 3 hours. This frequency may vary by age because bladder size also changes with age. …