Famous actress and producer-director Pooja Bhatt recently wrote on her social media that it has been 8 years since she stopped drinking alcohol. At one time, she was addicted to alcohol. This began to affect his work. People started calling him a drunk. Because of this, his health also began to deteriorate. So he decided to give up alcohol. She says this journey has not been easy for her. Today, Pooja motivates people all over the world to give up alcohol.
Stopping drinking alcohol improves health
Gastroenterologist Dr. Virendra Koujalagi says that after you stop drinking alcohol, withdrawal symptoms may appear initially for a few days. However, these symptoms are nothing compared to the daily damage caused by alcohol. Alcohol causes the most damage to the liver. If you stop drinking alcohol, believe me, your liver starts healing itself from day one. What other advantages this has, see in the graph:
How does the body recover after quitting alcohol?
Dr. Virendra Koujalagi says alcohol is very different from other addictions. Alcohol travels to all parts of the body through our blood vessels. So, all parts of the body are affected by alcohol.
The liver digests alcohol. Its greatest impact is therefore on the liver. However, the first thing to recover after quitting alcohol is the liver. The recovery process for all body parts is different. Therefore, it may take time for the body to fully recover.
What is the recovery time for stopping drinking alcohol
Dr. Virendra Koujalagi says the recovery time for quitting alcohol or any other addiction can be different for everyone. It depends on how long a person drinks and how much alcohol they drink daily. However, a rough picture can certainly be drawn. See the graph:
Some Common Questions and Answers Related to Quitting Alcohol
Question: What types of problems can occur when quitting alcohol?
Answer: After stopping drinking alcohol, the first symptoms of a hangover appear. Then, over time, these can turn into withdrawal symptoms.
There may be headaches. There may be anxiety. There may be difficulty sleeping at night. There may be a sudden change in mood. There may be a feeling of headache, dizziness.
Question: What effect does stopping alcohol have on the brain?
Answer: After drinking the first sip of alcohol, the first effect is felt on the brain. This continues as long as the last drop of alcohol remains in our blood. Therefore, stopping drinking alcohol affects the brain a lot.
Not drinking alcohol can cause agitation. There may be difficulty sleeping, irritability, mood swings and problems thinking. If you have been drinking alcohol for a long time, these symptoms may gradually turn into anxiety and depression. Therefore, it is better to seek help from a rehabilitation center or an expert to stop drinking alcohol.
Question: What is the right way to quit alcohol?
Answer: First of all, find the right motivation or reason to stop drinking alcohol. It could be anything, like-
You must give up alcohol for the good future of your family or children. You must save money for your good and secure future. You need to stay healthy in life. You need to reduce relationship problems caused by alcohol. After that, you should consult a doctor. Depending on your state of health and your age, he will be able to tell you the problems you might encounter after stopping drinking alcohol. You can ask them for advice on how to deal with it. If they think you might have mental health problems then they can give you advice. For this, you can call a psychologist. If you feel like you might have difficulty handling all of this on your own, you can also visit a rehabilitation center. There you also get help from a support group. This maintains the motivation to achieve your goal.
Question: What are the important things to keep in mind before stopping drinking alcohol?
Answer: First of all, talk to your loved ones and family members so that they can help you during this time. You can take a break from your office work by talking to your boss about it.
If the responsibility for the family falls on you, then before embarking on this process, collect money and purchase most of the items necessary for daily life in advance. Talk to everyone at home so you can continue to receive the necessary support.
If you are at home during this time, consult the doctor and keep the medicines for possible problems at home and if any problem arises, consult the doctor immediately. …………………… from Sehatnama Sehatnama – Alcohol consumption causes 6 types of cancer: a study reveals, learned by a cancer expert and 10 tips to stop drinking
According to the Cancer Progress Report from the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), more than 5% of all cancer cases are linked to alcohol. Drinking alcohol can cause 6 different types of cancer. …