actor Ram Kapoor has been absent from social media for a long time. He has now updated via his Instagram post that he has lost 55kg in just 18 months. During this time, he worked hard with full dedication for this. This is why he was absent from social networks. Ram Kapoor surprised his fans by sharing his weight loss transformation.
The peculiarity is that he did not follow any medical formula for this. Ram Kapoor did not take any medication or undergo any surgery to lose weight. He took a very old school approach to it.
He said in the Instagram post that in the meantime he eats a balanced diet, gets plenty of exercise and gets enough sleep. The question now is whether a weight of 55 kg can be reduced in just 18 months through a balanced diet, exercise and sleep.
That’s why today in “Sehatnama” we will talk about weight loss. You will also learn that-
How big is the problem of obesity in the world? What is the risk of losing weight too quickly? What is the right way to lose weight?
Obesity is a big problem all over the world
Obesity has been a major problem all over the world for three decades. Between 1990 and 2022, cases of obesity among adolescents increased fourfold. During this period, cases of obesity among adults also doubled.
Obesity cases are increasing so rapidly in every country that the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared it an epidemic. Epidemic means a disease that rapidly affects a large part of the world’s population. The number of children and adolescents there is increasing. Look at the graph.
Losing weight too quickly is risky
Dietitian Shilpi Goyal says that having a healthy weight is very important to stay healthy. Obesity increases the risk of many lifestyle diseases and chronic diseases. Therefore, to maintain your weight, you should follow a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. However, she refuses to do rapid weight loss like the actors.
Rapid weight loss can lead to nutritional deficiency
Shilpi Goyal says that if a person does not follow a regular balanced diet to lose weight quickly or exercises excessively, they may have a nutritional deficiency. To lose weight, people usually follow a low-calorie diet. It lacks important nutrients like iron, folic acid and vitamin B12. Many health problems can also arise because of this.
Extreme diet plan, last option
Going on an extreme diet to lose weight is not a good option. It’s like taking medication or undergoing surgery to lose weight. All of this can have many side effects. This is why doctors consider them the last option. If there are no emergency conditions, a healthy approach should be taken to lose weight. This means losing weight gradually.
Some common questions and answers related to weight loss
Question: What is rapid weight loss?
Answer: If a person loses half to one kilo of weight every week for several weeks continuously, it is called rapid weight loss. Ram Kapoor lost 55 kg in just 18 months. This means that on average he lost about a quarter of a kilo of weight every week. If all this is not done under expert supervision, it can be very risky.
Question: How risky is rapid weight loss?
Answer: There can be many risks to losing weight quickly. Insisting on losing weight too quickly can lead to a deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals in the body. Even if someone exercises regularly and follows a proper diet during this time, they still put their body through challenges. This is not a healthy way to lose weight.
Question: What is the healthy way to lose weight?
Answer: There is no specific method for losing weight. Everyone must act according to their lifestyle. For this, you can call a dietitian. During this time, keep these things in mind:
Stay active: Try to exercise at least 150 minutes each week. In this you can also do jogging, rope skipping, cycling as per your choice.
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables: Include as many fruits and vegetables as possible in your diet. Eat a plate of fresh fruit and vegetable salads before meals.
Try to lose weight gradually: Instead of losing weight quickly, set a goal to lose one to two pounds every month.
Make sure you get enough sleep: To lose weight, it is very important that the metabolism remains active. Apart from this, sleep is very important for controlling hunger-related hormones. It helps in losing weight.
Question: What should you not do while losing weight?
Answer: As much as it is important to know what to do to lose weight, it is equally important to know what not to do during this time:
Avoid crash diets: Avoid crash diets for rapid weight loss. For this reason, there may be a nutritional deficiency in our body. These plans are often unstable and unhealthy.
Don’t eat unhealthy snacks: If you are losing weight, avoid any type of unhealthy foods. If you’re hungry between meals, eating fruit as a snack can be a good option.
Don’t skip meals: Skipping meals is not a good way to lose weight. This can cause many health risks. When our body receives fewer nutrients and calories than necessary, it begins to break down muscles. This can lead to muscle loss.
………………………….. this Sehatnama short story 1. Sehatnama – If you want to avoid HMPV, understand The Science of Immunity: Alcohol, Cigarettes and a Bad Diet Weaken You, Doctors Say
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has clarified that the danger of the HMPV virus lies mainly in people with weak immunity. This is the reason why its infection increases in young children and the elderly, because children’s immunity is not fully developed. …