sum It is very beneficial for our overall health. Surya Namaskar is called the “soul of yoga”. Surya Namaskar is a group of many yoga asanas, which not only keep us fit physically but are also beneficial for our mental health.

Today, everyone is short on time. In such a situation, people look for ways to get fit faster. If you also want to stay fit in less time, Surya Namaskar is the best option. There are many amazing benefits of practicing Surya Namaskar regularly.

So let’s talk about the benefits of Surya Namaskar in today’s important news. You will also learn that-

How to do Surya Namaskar? What precautions should be taken during this?

Expert: Dr. Arun Kumar Sao, Assistant Professor, Department of Yoga Education, Dr. Harisingh Gaur University, Madhya Pradesh.

Question: What is Surya Namaskar?

Answer – The literal meaning of Surya Namaskar is “Sun Salutation”. This is a yoga practice in which 12 different asanas are performed sequentially.

Question: When should Surya Namaskar be done?

Answer – It is best to do Surya Namaskar at the time of sunrise. But if you don’t find time in the morning, you can also do it in the evening as the sun sets. If you don’t have time in the morning and evening, you can do it at any time of the day as per your convenience.

However, to do Surya Namaskar, one must have an empty stomach. There are many formats of Surya Namaskar. But only one format should be adopted and it should be practiced regularly.

Question: How many asanas are there in Surya Namaskar?

Answer – Surya Namaskar is a 12-step yoga asana, consisting of 8 different asanas. Among the 12 asanas written in the chart below, the bottom four asanas are the same as the top ones, which are repeated in reverse order at the end of the Surya Namaskar process.

Question: How is Surya Namaskar beneficial for health?

Answer – By Surya Namaskar we can maintain our overall health. How this is beneficial for our health, understand from the graph below.

Question: Is it necessary to warm up before doing Surya Namaskar?

Answer: Yes, absolutely. It is important to warm up before Surya Namaskar. This eliminates muscle stiffness and improves blood circulation in the body. This makes it easier to practice yoga.

Question: How to do Surya Namaskar?

Answer – Sequence and breathing play an important role in Surya Namaskar. To do this, first lay out a rug on a flat floor. After that, do all the asanas of Surya Namaskar sequentially for some time. How this should be done, understand from the pointers below-


How to do it

Stand straight facing the sun and bring both legs together, keep your waist straight. Now, while inhaling, bring the hands closer to the chest and while exhaling, bring both palms together and make a salutation position.

Handheld Uttanasana

How to do it

Now, while inhaling, raise both your hands and bring them back. Make sure your biceps stay close to your ears at this time. Now slowly bend your entire body backwards from the waist.


How to do it

Now exhale and bend the torso forward from the waist and bend down. After that, touch the toes with your hands. At this point, your head should touch your knees.

Asva Pradhanasana

How to do it

While inhaling, move your right leg back as far as possible. Touch your knees to the floor. Now bend the other leg at the knee and keep it straight on the floor between both palms. After that, bring the vision upwards.


How to do it

Now, as you exhale, keep your hands and legs in a straight line and get into a push-up position.

Ashtanga Namaskar

How to do it

Now, exhaling slowly, touch the floor with your palms, chest, knees and feet. Meanwhile, raise your hips upward. Stay in this position for a while and stop breathing.


How to do it

This is called the cobra pose. As you inhale, keep your palms on the ground and raise your head and torso toward the sky as much as possible while touching your waist to the ground.


How to do it

Parvatasana means a posture in which the body position resembles a mountain. It is also called mountain pose. To do this, come into push-up position and lift your hips upwards. As you exhale, keep your shoulders straight and your head inward.

After that, repeat Ashwa Sanchalanasana, Padahastasana, Hastuttanasana and Pranamasana, these four asanas again in reverse order. In this way, a sequence of your Surya Namaskar is completed.

Question: What precautions should be taken while practicing Surya Namaskar?

Answer – It is important to take certain precautions while practicing Surya Namaskar. Understand it with the pointers below-

If possible, do Surya Namaskar in the fresh air in the morning on an empty stomach. While doing Surya Namaskar in the morning, turn your face towards the east and in the evening towards the west. Warm up before Surya Namaskar. at first and don’t rush at all. Do this yoga exercise in loose, comfortable clothing. Don’t leave even a single asana incomplete. Do all asanas in order. While doing yoga, you should inhale and exhale through your nose. While doing the bending asanas you should exhale and while standing up you should inhale. After doing Surya Namaskar, relax for some time. if there is any health problem then Surya Before starting Namaskar definitely consult a doctor.

Question: How long should one practice Surya Namaskar?

Answer – Practicing Surya Namaskar 12 times is considered sufficient. It takes 15 to 20 minutes. If you do Surya Namaskar 12 times a day, there is no need to do other asanas. Apart from this, people can increase or decrease its number according to their capacity and time.

Question: What should be done after doing Surya Namaskar?

Answer – After doing Surya Namaskar, lie down in Shavasana for about 5-10 minutes and relax the body. Carry out any further work only after body temperature and heart rate have become normal.

Question: Which people should not do Surya Namaskar?

Answer – Dr Arun Kumar Saav says some people should not do Surya Namaskar, like –

People who have suffered a serious wrist injury or have a hernia should avoid Surya Namaskar. Pregnant women should not do Surya Namaskar. Those who have recently undergone surgery should also not do Surya Namaskar. blood pressure, have back problems or knee pain should consult a yoga teacher before doing Surya Namaskar.

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