The dates are a very nutritious and delicious dry fruit. Fiber, iron, potassium and vitamins who present there help keep the body energetic and healthy. There are many advantages to eat daily. It strengthens bones and the digestive system and also maintains healthy hearts.

According to the published study of the National Library of Medicine, dates have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, gastrottectors and anti-cancer properties. The study also indicates that antioxidants such as polyphenols and flavonoids present in dates reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Therefore, today, we will speak in the news of the need for the benefit of dates for our health. Will also know that-

When and how much to eat dates?

Expert: Dr Amrita Mishra, nutritionist and dietetics, New Delhi

Question – What nutrients are in the dates? Answer – According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), dates have many nutrients such as carbohydrates, fibers, proteins, vitamin B, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc and manganese. See the nutritional value of a date (7.1 grams) in the graph below-

Question – How much dates are beneficial for health? Answer – The date has almost all the necessary nutrients, which are beneficial for overall health. The antioxidants who present there help to eliminate bad cholesterol from the cells of the arteries. At the same time, potassium and magnesium keep the heart healthy.

Apart from that, eating dates makes you feel full for a long time, which reduces the desire to eat. In this way, dates are also useful for reducing weight.

The dates are rich in fiber, which makes the digestive system strong. It is also a great source of iron, which fills the lack of blood in the body. Calcium, phosphorus and magnesium which present the bones and strong muscles.

Understand this from the graphic below and how the dates are beneficial for our health and how it is beneficial for our health.

Question – Do food dates make the brain bright? Answer – Nutritionist Dr. Amrita Mishra says that restoration dates keep the brain fresh. It contains many nutrients, which are beneficial for the brain. The dates have natural sugar like glucose and fructose, which eliminates mental stress and maintains the more active brain.

Question – What is the right way to eat dates? Answer – The right time to eat dates is empty stomach in the morning. To do this, dip the dates in the water at night and eat it on an empty stomach in the morning. The soaking in water and eating makes it easier to digest it. However, dry dates can also be consumed. Apart from that, the dates can also be consumed with milk at night.

Question – What date date should be consumed in one day? Answer – Dr. Amrita Mishra says that eating two to three dates every day is enough to give enough nutrients to the body. If the digestive system is good, you can also eat 4 to 5 dates. But you shouldn’t eat more than that.

Question – How to include dates in your diet? Answer – You can include dates in several ways in your diet. Understand it from the pointers below-

Put 2-3 dates in the milk and boil well. After that, drink it. .

Question – Can diabetic patients also eat dates? Answer – Dr. Amrita Mishra says that the dates have natural sugar. Its glycemic index (GI) is low, so that it does not allow blood suddenly to increase suddenly. Therefore, diabetic patients can also eat it. However, they should consult a doctor once before eating dates.

Question – Are dates beneficial for children? Answer – Dr. Amrita Mishra says that the dates are also very beneficial for children. This gives them energy and helps them in their growth. However, excessive diet can be harmful. Therefore, take care of the quantity. Children should not give more than one or two dates throughout the day.

Question – Can more dates be harmful? Answer – Although the dates are beneficial for health, but everything is very bad. In such a situation, eating more dates can also be harmful. This can cause problems such as increased blood sugar, rashes, agitation, loss of sleep, weight gain, excessive sweating, indigestion.

Apart from that, eating more dates can immediately show symptoms such as stomach cramps and diarrhea.

Question – Who shouldn’t eat dates? Answer – Dr. Amrita Mishra says that people with diarrhea, kidney disease, obesity and acidity should avoid eating dates. Apart from that, these people should not eat dates without the advice of the doctor, young children, pregnant women who have undergone surgery a few days ago.


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