Eggs Protein is the best source. About 12 grams of protein can be found from only 2 eggs. Apart from that, eggs contain vitamins, minerals and healthy fats, which protects the body from many diseases.

However, nowadays, false eggs are also on the market. They are like real eggs in appearance. Eating them can cause serious health problems related to liver and kidneys. Therefore, it is very important to identify real and false eggs before buying eggs.

So let’s talk about the news of the need today how to identify real and false eggs. Will also know that-

What type of health problems can be caused by eating false eggs?


Dr POONAM TIWARI, Senior Dietitian, Dr RAM Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, LuckNow

Meena Quadrilateral, state food analyst, Jharkhand

Question – What is a false egg? Answer – It is not a chicken egg, but is made from chemicals and synthetic substances. These eggs look like real eggs, but they don’t have real eggs like nutrients. Eating them is harmful to health.

Question – How are false eggs made? Answer – The white part of the false eggs is made from sodium algage, gelatin and other thick substances. At the same time, the egg yolk (yellow part) is made from yellow artificial color and egg shell made up of things like calcium carbonate and plastic.

Question – What type of health problems can be caused by the consumption of false eggs? Synthetic response-resin found in false eggs is a plastic substance, which is not digested in the stomach and can accumulate in the body. This can cause intestines and stomach problems.

Some people can cause alginal sodium alginal allergies, causing rashes, itching or rash on the skin. Eat a false egg and what type of health problems can cause it, understand it from the graph below-

Question – How can we identify the false and real eggs? Answer – Real and false eggs can be identified with its peels and texture. The real egg skin is slightly rough and granulated, while the false egg skin is absolutely smooth. It is also brighter than normal eggs. So, if a merchant gives you a very smooth or shiny egg, be careful.

There are also many other ways to identify real and false eggs. Understand the graphic below-

Question – What should be kept in mind when buying an egg? Answer – It is necessary to choose the right egg on the market. It is only then that this food rich in nutrition will be beneficial for you. Stores always confident, large department stores and only a good brand egg must be taken.

Apart from that, to know if the egg is fresh or not, take water in a large pot and put the eggs there. If the egg sits at the bottom of the ship, understand that the egg is good and food. If the egg is a bit twisted, understand that the egg is not as fresh. But it is always worth eating. But if the eggs are seen floating in the water, do not eat it at all.

Question – How many eggs can an adult healthy person eat in one day? Answer – Senior dietician Dr POONAM TIWARI says that the number of daily eggs depends on age, sex and lifestyle. A healthy person is generally advised to eat 1 to 2 eggs per day.

At the same time, people who do exercises or regular athletes need more protein. These people decide only to the number of eggs after the advice of their dietitian. The effects of eggs are hot, so eating more should be avoided during the summer season. This can increase heat in the body.

Question – What should we take care of before buying eggs? Answer – Always give priority to organic eggs when buying eggs. Organic eggs come from chickens that eat vegetarian foods. No antibiotic or coxidian is added to their diet. Apart from that, keep other things in mind, such as

Buy eggs from merchants who take into account cleanliness and cleanliness. , then it can be spoiled.


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