You Often, it must have been seen or understood that some people feel nervous in more congestion. Before meeting and interacting with someone, different types of negative things are starting to come in their minds. They soon become Navars. It is not only a fear, but a mental problem, which is called social anxiety.
According to Angeli and Depression Association of America (ADAA), approximately 1.5 crosses in the United States suffers from the problem of social anxiety. At the same time, according to the National Mental Health Survey (NMHS), 2016, more than 65 Lakh Lakh in India struggled with Angeli Social Disorder (SAD). According to the report, its risk is more in men than in women. However, more study is necessary in India at the moment.
Talk about social anxiety in the column of relations today. Will also know that-
What are the signs of social anxiety?
What is social anxiety?
Social anxiety is a type of mental state, which generally starts to adolescent. It is also called “social phobia”. In this, the person receives anxiety, fear and nervousness while attending an event, in publicly or by meeting new people. In this, a person loses their confidence among other people. He feels that people will judge him. It seems difficult to interact with people and dissolve with them because of social anxiety.
Causes of social anxiety
There is no information on the exact cause of social anxiety, but it can be associated with many factors. These include physical violence, the problem of the mantle and the genetic causes. Apart from that, social anxiety can also occur due to the imbalance in neurotransmitters of mood-temoin of Serratonin and dopamine. There may be many other reasons for this. Such as-
Due to the nature of one of the parents.
Connection with increased social anxiety
Bad parental style has a direct link with social anxiety. When parents control the child, criticize them on small things, instead of believing in their child, they pay more attention to the opinion of others, then the child begins to obtain social anxiety since the ‘childhood.
These children quickly share their words with anyone. At the same time, they are unable to trust others quickly. Most children have symptoms with aging.
Signs of social perspective
In this, the person experiences nervousness and fear in public speech or interaction. He believes that people make negative perceptions about him. It can cause him some problems. Like perspiration, the heart rate intensifies, shaking your hand, drying and having trouble speaking.
If anyone feels such symptoms, it can be a sign of social anxiety. Learn about this graphic below-
It is necessary to control social anxiety
The main psychiatrist, Dr. Satyakant Trivedi, explains that social anxiety cannot be completely eliminated. However, its symptoms can be reduced with some practice. For this, a person should train in front of people. This gradually increases confidence and reduces nervousness.
Social anxiety is often born from negative thought. In such a situation, it is necessary that it is always positive. Remember that your life is not based on someone’s judgment, but it is your own life and it should be done. Apart from that, it is important to take care of other things, to understand it from the graph below-
Social anxiety treatment
People generally consider social anxiety as very common, but it can be difficult. However, it can be controlled by correct treatment, positive thought and regular practice.
To do this, keep the faith in yourself and remember that each little success is a big victory. If you think you are unable to manage it yourself, you can also take the help of professionals. Professionals give some therapy for this. This can reduce the symptoms of social anxiety. Understand it from the pointers below-
Cognitivo-behavioral therapy (TCC)
This therapy helps the person to recognize negative perceptions and to overcome them. It is a speech therapy given by mental health professionals. In this, a person learns to be positive.
Exhibition therapy
It is also psychological therapy. In this, the person is gradually motivated to deal with social situations from which he is afraid. This therapy helps increase trust by reducing fear.
Relaxation therapy
This therapy can be taken by itself. He must resume a deep or a long ordeal when it is nervous in the situation of social anxiety. The long breathing relaxes the brain. This reduces nervousness.
Medicinal therapy
In this, the psychiatrist gives drugs according to the patient’s condition. These drugs can help reduce signs of social anxiety.
Apart from that, it is necessary to make changes in the lifestyle to reduce the symptoms of social anxiety. Such as-
Reduce the contribution of caffeine and sugar. This can increase anxiety.There are more news …