Bollywood Power couple Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone became parents on September 8, 2024. The couple revealed via an Instagram post on the occasion of Diwali that they had named their darling daughter ‘Dua Padukone Singh’. After this, Ranveer-Deepika’s friends and fans showed them lots of love and wished them lots. However, some social media users expressed their displeasure and started trolling him.

Trollers wrote that ‘Dua’ is a Muslim name and is inappropriate for the child of a Hindu couple. However, Ranveer and Deepika are yet to react on the matter.

This isn’t the first time celebrities have faced trolls over their children’s names. Before this, it happened with many celebrities, from Saif-Kareena to Alia-Ranbir and Priyanka-Nick. Trolling can harass anyone from the common man to celebrities. This can have a negative impact on our mental health.

Today in Relationships, we’ll talk about ways to combat online trolling. We will also know what effect it has on our mental health.

What is trolling?

When an unknown person makes negative, personal, or inflammatory comments on a person’s social media post, it is called trolling. In Gen Z parlance, these people are called “trollers.” They have no particular identity. They can target anyone. Their goal is to hurt people emotionally. Check out the graphic below to see how trollers harass people.

Trolling affects mental health

Online trolling can be upsetting for everyone. In this, trollers usually use words that can be socially insulting to someone. This can hurt the victim’s mind and stress them out.

Prolonged stress can affect a person’s mental health. For this reason, he may be afraid before posting on social networks. Apart from this, many other health problems can arise. Understand this from the graph below.

What to do to avoid online trolling

Dr Aditi Saxena says if you want to avoid trolling, get in the habit of ignoring trollers first. Don’t read their comments and always keep a positive attitude. Apart from this, there are certain things that can be adopted to avoid trolling. Check out the chart below to learn more.

Let’s talk in detail about the points given in the chart above.

ignore trollers

Trollers want you to react to their comments. Sometimes they also do this to increase their social media reach. This means that the more you respond to their comments, the stronger they will become. It is therefore better to ignore them. Getting no response, they will eventually become exhausted and run away.

keep your cool

You need to be patient while trolling and avoid getting into unnecessary arguments. This only boosts the morale of the trollers. For this, it is very important to remain restrained.

Focus on self-care

It’s important to take care of yourself when it comes to trolling. Avoid being alone during this time as it may cause you to think various negative thoughts. In the meantime, pursue your hobbies, exercise, spend time with friends or loved ones. This helps to deal with trolling.

Ask your friends and loved ones for help

If you are continually being trolled on social media, talk to your friends and family members about it. Maybe he can help you. You will also feel good with this. Apart from this, you can also seek help from a counselor or psychologist.

Stay away from social media for a few days

The behavior of trollers cannot be controlled. But we can get out of this difficult time by staying away from social media for a while.

Disconnecting from social media is a difficult task. But if you’re more worried, this might be a good idea. Don’t worry, you don’t have to unsubscribe completely. For this, you can try the things below.

Turn off push notifications. Disable the comments section. Stay away from social media for just a few hours or a few days.

always have proof with you

If a troller harasses you a lot, definitely take a screenshot of their comment or discussion. So that you have a trace of the original message. This will come in handy when you post a report on social media or take any other action. In this situation, this will serve as proof.

Can also act against trollers

Online trolling really hurts. In such a situation, when the water begins to rise above the head, it is necessary to act. To do this, you can file a complaint with supporting documentation at the local cybercrime police station or by calling 1930.