This item Before you start reading, you need to answer a few questions.

1. Do you work hard in the fields for 8 to 10 hours every day?

2. Do you run 10 to 15 kilometers every day?

3. Do you spend an hour a day at the gym doing high intensity exercises, strength training, cardio and strength training?

4. Is your profession such that it requires muscular strength and sweat?

If any of the above applies to you, then this article is not for you. Eat as much sugar as you want and be happy.

But if you –

1. Working on a laptop while sitting on a sofa chair for 10-12 hours a day.

2. Sitting in one place for 8-10 hours a day.

3. Standing at the store counter for 8 to 10 hours a day.

4. Only perform household chores like cooking, taking care of children, etc.

Then this article is for you only. Overall, this article is aimed at those whose lifestyle is sedentary, that is, they work sitting in one place.

What you need to do is completely stop eating sugar or any type of added sugar for a month. To understand why this needs to be done, consider these two scientific studies:

Study- 1

According to a 2018 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, consuming sugar or added sugar causes the following effects:

Weight increases, heart disease risk increases, cholesterol increases, insulin increases, i.e. diabetes risk increases, cognitive function weakens, fatty liver increases.


In a 2016 study published in the National Library of Medicine, an experiment was conducted on rats. The rats were divided into two groups. One was given sugar-based foods and the other was kept away from sugar.

After a month, the researchers left the rats from both groups in the water and observed that the rats that had eaten sugar for a month did not make enough effort to save their lives and started to drown. While the rats in the other group were more physically active. They were trying to get out of the water by swimming and jumping. Researchers found that sugar weakened the rats’ physical activity and cognitive functions.

So let’s start the experiment now

Professor Robert Lustig of the Department of Endochronology at the University of California writes in his book “Fat Chance”: “Think of this as a scientific experiment conducted on your body. To find out whether or not there is truth in the warnings that scientific research around the world is giving us about sugar.”

An obvious fact requires no proof. Remember that when we were children, we read in science books: “Let’s learn science by doing”.

So we must learn and understand by doing the same.

This experience can be done by anyone over the age of 18 with a sedentary lifestyle. There are no age or gender limits. So, as Dr. Lustig says, before we begin this experiment on our body, we need to do these things-

1. Check your weight.

2. Check your morning fast and blood sugar two hours after eating.

3. Apart from this, do the following medical tests:

Hba1C testMorning fasting insulin testFatty liver testLipid profile testTriglyceride testThyroid test

You are now completely ready to do this experiment.

What should we do in this experience

In this month-long experiment, you need to avoid sugar and added sugar completely. Remember, there are no cheat days in this experience. Sugar does not just mean the white granulated sugar sold in the market. There are many forms of added sugars. Understand this from the graph below.

These are all products made by processing sugar in different ways. That is, sweet products made at different stages of the process of transforming sugar cane juice into sugar.

We know about sugar, but how are we going to identify the other added sugars mentioned above. How do you know whether or not a product contains all these forms of added sugars? The easiest way to solve this problem is to read the label of any product when purchasing it. Apart from this, the things mentioned in the graphic below should be completely avoided.

Candy only from natural sources

You go to any supermarket or grocery store. All packaged items sold contain added sugar. Even the ones that taste salty. So do not eat any packaged foods.

But that doesn’t mean your taste buds will be completely deprived of sweet taste. You can eat sweet things of all tastes, which nature has made sweet. Like all types of fruits, starchy foods like sweet potatoes. The sweetness of anything that doesn’t grow on trees and is made in factories is dangerous.

Sweets alone are not enough, also avoid ultra-processed carbohydrates and trans fats.

According to Dr. Lustig, during this month-long experiment, we must give up not only sugar, but also ultra-processed carbohydrates and trans fats. An ultra-processed carbohydrate refers to a carbohydrate that has had all the fiber and nutrients removed and converted into a fine flour-like powder.

Pizza, burgers, donuts, bread, cakes, pastries, cookies, all those ultra-processed carbs and trans fats. It’s red alert. Seeing this, all your antennas should be on alert. According to Dr. Mark Hyman, it’s not about food, it’s a conspiracy against humanity in the name of food.

If you don’t eat all this, what is there to eat?

In this experience we can eat everything that nature has given us. All fruits, vegetables, cereals, pulses, spices, milk, ghee, curd, dry fruits, nuts, seeds, etc.

George Bernard Shaw was a great Irish writer. You must have heard the name. One thing about Bernard Shaw is very surprising. He says: “There is nothing more intelligent, balanced and wise than nature. The human body is the most intelligent machine in the world. »

Nature knows all the needs of your body and has made all arrangements to meet these needs.

What will happen after completing a 1 month sugar detox plan

If you can avoid sugar for a month, the following may occur, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Understand from the graph below.

Along with this, the results of all the medical tests you performed before starting the experiment will improve. Fasting sugar in the morning, insulin, fatty liver, cholesterol, liver, kidney function, everything will improve.

But that doesn’t mean that after this month of experience, you should go back to your old eating habits. The month-long experiment was all about “learning science by doing.” Include this experience in your all-time habit.

And write to us by letter or email and tell us what the result of this experiment was. ………………………….. from Sehatnama Sehatnama – 1.8 crore deaths every year due to heart disease: What is The “space hairdryer” technique, which can save 50,000,000 lives

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every year, approximately 1 million people worldwide lose their lives due to heart disease. …