Nails Are an important part of our body. They are made of keratin, which is a protein found in hair and skin. The nails protect the upper part of the hands and toes.

But do you know that the texture, color and condition of the nails also indicate our health. Usually, the color of the nails should be light pink. Instead, if they are white, yellow, blue or black or that their texture is unusual, this can be a sign of many serious health problems.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, if there are black spots or nails strips, this can be a possible sign of melanoma (skin cancer). According to a study published at the National Library of Medicine, if small bumps appear on the surface of the nails, this can be a sign of psoriasis.

Therefore, today we will speak in Sehtanama how nails tell the state of our health. Will also know that-

What color nails indicate what disease?

The nails alert us before a serious condition

The color and their texture of the nails give many important indications, including a deficiency in nutrients in the body, problems in the liver and the diseases linked to the heart.

According to the American Journal of Clinical Dermatology, white stains on nails can be a sign of liver problems or renal failure.

According to a study published in the online database “Direct Science”, nail chewing is a complex obese disorder (TOC), which is a mental health problem.

The sign of diseases gives the color of the nails

Very light or white nails can be a sign of iron deficiency (anemia), liver and heart disease. Yellow nails often indicate fungal infections and diabetes.

The blue color of the nails can be a sign of oxygen deficiency in the blood, which reflects the problem of the heart or languages. Apart from that, if nails color suddenly changes, it may be a sign of a serious illness.

Understand the graphic below on signs of nail color and health problems caused by

Unusual nails are not a sign of good health either

Changes in nail texture is also a sign of certain serious health problems. Any type of change in the texture reflects changes within the body.

If the nails have become thinner and are easily broken, it can be a sign of vitamins and lack of minerals. If the edges of the nails start to climb up, it can be a sign of many diseases, especially the heart, the langs, the liver.

Nails can be a sign of iron deficiency or a spoon type form. Apart from that, some other nail changes also indicate diseases. Understand the graphic below-

In addition to changes in the nails, notes other signs

If a change in the color of the nails or their texture is visible for a long time, it is a sign of any internal imbalance in the body. It should not be ignored. Apart from that, if certain symptoms are visible in the body as well as changes in color and texture of the nails, follow the advice of a doctor. Such as-

Fatigue and weakness around creation

Some questions and current nails

Question – What color of the nail indicates better health? Answer – Dr. Sushila Kataria, principal director of the Medgea Hospital in Gurugram, says that the color of healthy nails is light pink. This means that the blood circulation is correct and that the body is healthy.

Question – Why do nails break? Answer – There may be many reasons for the ventilation of the nails. Like a nutrient deficiency, unbalanced hormones, excess humidity or exposure to the chemical.

Question – Are the color of the nail and their change of texture always a sign of illness? Answer – Dr. Sushila Kataria says no, changes in color or texture of the nails are not always a sign of diseases. But it can sometimes be a sign of diseases. Therefore, if there is a change in the nails for a long time, it should not be ignored.

Question – What to do if the nails break again and again? Answer- for this, consult a doctor first. According to him, do a treatment. At the same time, protect nails from more chemicals such as detergents or nail polish. This can weaken the nails and increase the risk of rupture.

Apart from that, the lack of water can also affect nail health. Drinking enough water provides moisture from the inside of the nails, which prevents them from breaking.

Question – What to do to be good for nails? Answer this, moisturize the nails regularly. Continue to cut them from time to time, so that their texture remains correct. Also follow a healthy diet and avoid using rich chemicals. Take care of hygiene, so that there is no infection in them.

Question – Can bad nails be healed? Answer – Dr. Sushila Kataria says that if there is a lack of nutrients in the nails, hormonal imbalances or any disease, the treatment of this problem can improve them. Apart from that, it can also be healed through certain drugs.

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The science of our body is very advanced. If there is a problem, we report immediately. It is not limited to cold, cough and fever. The liver also indicates before serious health problems such as damage and kidney failure. …

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