Today It’s the last day of 2024. According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine in 2022, 230 million people around the world drink alcohol on New Year’s Eve and their New Year’s morning begins with a gulp of drink.

Many must have planned a New Year’s party with friends this evening. In such a situation, what can you do to reduce a hangover? The best way is not to drink alcohol. But if you drink, how to drink and what precautions should be taken. The news of today’s need speaks about it.

Expert: Dr Urvi Maheshwari, MD, Janova Shelby Hospital, Mumbai

Question: What is a hangover and why does it occur? Answer – Hangover is the side effect in the body after drinking alcohol. Hangovers occur because after drinking alcohol, a chemical called acetaldehyde is released into the body. When our liver processes alcohol to remove it from the body, this chemical is released into the body, causing a hangover. Apart from that, there can be these 3 other reasons:

Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach or not eating anything after drinking alcohol can cause a hangover. Alcohol is a diuretic. It means something that dehydrates the body. Dehydration can cause a hangover. Drinking alcohol with more congeners, such as whiskey, rum, or red wine, can cause a hangover. A congener is a chemical compound produced during the wine fermentation process.

Question – What are the symptoms of a hangover? Answer: Hangover symptoms can range from severe headaches to nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. It depends on the liver’s ability to digest alcohol. Its symptoms can be felt both physically and mentally. Hangover symptoms usually last 24 hours.

Hangover symptoms begin when blood alcohol levels become very high or drop to zero. These symptoms usually appear the next morning after drinking too much alcohol in the evening.

Question: Dehydration is the main cause of hangovers and the biggest side effect of alcohol. What to do to deal with this? Answer: Dehydration occurs when the amount of water in the body decreases. This problem increases after drinking too much alcohol. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol does not release the hormone vasopressin in the body. It is also called antidiuretic hormone (ADH). ADH itself signals the kidneys to stop urinating. To avoid this, drink plenty of water before and after alcohol. If you drank alcohol in the evening, eat electrolyte-rich fruits like banana, coconut water, watermelon, and orange as soon as you wake up in the morning. This will keep the body hydrated.

Question: What are some home tips for fighting a hangover? Answer – Everyone wants to start the first day of the year by being energetic and active. Therefore, if you have a hangover due to excessive drinking late at night, you can adopt some home remedies to deal with it. See them in the chart below-

Question: What precautions should you take when drinking alcohol to reduce the risk of a hangover? Answer – Physician Dr Urvi Maheshwari says that if you want to avoid a hangover, take some important precautions before the New Year celebration. Such as-

Eat healthy foods during the day. Keep fewer carbs and more protein in your diet. For example, eat less roti, rice and more pulses, coarse grains, eggs, chicken, etc. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water throughout the day. Eat something healthy. Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Drink two glasses of water before you start drinking. Continue to mix non-alcoholic drinks with alcohol during the party. Continue to drink water after each glass and in between. This will not cause dehydration. Additionally, toxic substances will continue to exit the body through urine.

Apart from this, there are other precautions as well. See them in the chart below-

Question: Can you take medication to relieve a hangover?

Answer – Dr. Urvi Maheshwari says headache, dizziness, vomiting or fatigue are common with a hangover. Don’t worry too much about this. Get as much rest as possible. This will reduce hangover symptoms within a few hours.

According to the doctor, one should avoid taking medicines in case of a hangover because these medicines are also digested in our liver. The liver is already tired from working hard to digest alcohol. In such a situation, any medicine taken to treat hangover harms the liver. Therefore, do not take medicine and take rest.

Question: What types of mistakes should you not make when trying to get rid of a hangover?

Answer – Some people adopt wrong methods to get rid of hangovers. This could worsen your health. Know what types of errors should be avoided using the indicators given below.

Drink Coffee or Tea: It is not good to drink coffee or tea to get rid of hangover. Coffee and tea contain caffeine, which can increase dehydration.

Don’t drink water: The most effective way to get rid of a hangover is to drink plenty of water. If you are vomiting or not thirsty, continue to drink water.

Eat a heavy breakfast: You should not have a heavy breakfast when you have a hangover. This can impair the digestive system.

Not getting enough rest: It’s important to get enough rest if you have a hangover. This gives the body enough time to recover. Not getting enough rest can worsen your health.

.. This time, alcohol-free New Year’s party: If you don’t drink alcohol, these 10 things will happen, your liver will say “Thank you”

According to the World Health Organization, even a single drop of alcohol is dangerous for your health. This has a negative effect on the liver and brain. …