Users of the popular instant messaging platform WhatsApp will now be able to create selfie stickers. You will be able to share the sticker pack with others. With this, the option of new filters for sharing photos and videos has also become available. Meta has rolled out a new update in WhatsApp, through which these features have been added.
WhatsApp said in a blog post: “We’re always working to make WhatsApp more fun and easier to use, so we’re excited to start the new year with new features and design updates to improve your experience.
WhatsApp shared this photo in a blog post.
Camera effects: When you share a photo or video with someone on WhatsApp, you have the option to use over 30 filters, backgrounds and visual effects.
Selfie Stickers: WhatsApp users can convert their selfies into stickers and share them with their friends.
By tapping the create sticker button, you will have the option to take a selfie, which can be converted into a unique sticker. This feature is currently available for Android device users, and the update will soon be available for iOS users as well.
Share a sticker pack: If one of your friends likes a sticker pack, you can share it directly in chat. This feature makes the sticker sharing experience easier.
Faster Reactions: WhatsApp has introduced the double-tap reactions feature to make chatting quick and convenient. Users can react with emoji by double-tapping a message.