9 p.m.

In the past 24 hours, the differences between the two have been revealed by the rhetoric of Trump and Jailonski.

The war between American president Donald Trump and the president of Ukraine Jailnsky began. Trump called Jailonski a dictator in a statement in his seaside resort of Mar-Ego on Wednesday. This deepened the dispute between the two leaders.

Earlier, Jailonsky said Trump lived in a misunderstanding, with disinformation. This statement by Jailonsky came in response to an allegation from Trump. In fact, Trump said on Tuesday that Jailonsky’s approval rating in Ukraine had only fallen at only 4%.

The American president also published an article on social networks on Wednesday. In this post, he described Jailonsky as a minor actor and an election without election.

Trump wrote in the post that I love Ukraine, but Jailonsky did a very bad job. His country is destroyed and millions of people have been killed unnecessarily.

The European country and Canada Jailonsci are supported

European leaders came out in favor of him against Jailonsky’s call a dictator. German Chancellor Olaf Sholj said it was completely false and dangerous to deny the democratic validity of President Jailnsky.

German Minister for Foreign Affairs Annalena Baibock also described Trump’s declaration as absurd. British Prime Minister Kir Stper also called Jailonski and showed him support. According to the Prime Minister’s office, the Stormer said it was quite correct to postpone the elections during the war.

Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Christorson also criticized Trump. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also supported Jailonsky. He posted on X and wrote that Canada would always support Ukraine.

Trudeau said Ukraine is fighting for the rules based on rules that has kept us safe worldwide.

Jailonsky said Trump lives in false bubbles made by Russia

On Trump’s pretension to lower approval, Jailonsky said on Wednesday that I had 58% votes in the most recent results, that is to say that so many Ukrainians trust me. So if someone wants to withdraw me from power, it won’t work now.

Jailonsky said disinformation was given by Russia about Ukraine permanently. We respect President Trump, but unfortunately, he lives in a bubble of bad information. Russia gives the wrong information on my notation of approval to America.

In fact, the mandate of the president in Ukraine is completed in May of last year. However, the military regime has been in force in Ukraine since the Russian invasion in February 2022. This means that the presidential elections were postponed.

Jailonsky responded to Donald Trump’s conference on Wednesday at a press conference in kyiv, the capital of Ukraine.

Trump’s dissatisfaction not to give minerals to America

Ukraine mineral reserves are also a major reason to increase the dispute between Donald Trump and Jailonski. Indeed, Trump demanded a mineral of the rare soil of Ukraine instead of help in the war.

As part of this agreement, the United States required a 50% stake in all mineral reserves, including graphite, lithium and uranium in Ukraine. Trump’s request was rejected by Ukrainian President Volodimir Jailonsky.


Putin ready to speak to Jailonsky: said: the goal of the first meeting was to increase confidence between American Russia; There will be no compromise without Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that he was ready to interact with Ukraine. He said Ukraine would not be excluded from an agreement to arrest war. here …

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